West Highland Terrier Puppies

West Highland White Terrier

If you want a puppy that is loyal, social, and small, then consider the West Highland Terrier. Known for their vivid white fur, these dogs don’t just look cute, they boast an impressive intelligence with an alert and active personality.

West Highland White Terrier Origins

Belonging to the terrier group, the West Highland White Terrier originates from Scotland and has tracked history all the way back to the early 1900’s. Through multiple generations, the purebred puppies have maintained their tough double coat, which remains all white with each new litter. The all-white fur is often contrasted with dark eyes, creating a truly unique look that makes the dog stand out.

Growing no more than 20 pounds as a full grown adult, the Westie is an ideal small breed dog that works well in many living environments including large houses and apartments.

Terrier Traits

Taking from their terrier roots, a West Highland Terrier has natural hunting instincts, which translates to a playful style with domestication. The puppies will love all kinds of toys they can chase, fetch, and play on a regular basis. The dogs are often full of energy and love walks along with the toys.

Due to their independent hunting traits, West Highland White Terriers might need a little more time and focus to train, but can adapt to many training styles and fit well within your home. With proper training, westie puppies can live well with other dogs or any young children you have in the home.

Adopt a West Highland White Terrier Puppy

The unique look of the terrier makes them an ideal dog for pictures and videos. Their photogenic faces can provide happiness on a daily basis. Whether you’re on walks, in the backyard, or on a road trip, the dog can adapt to many situations. Their thick fur makes them easy to clean so the white coat shines and remains just as vibrant as they were when they were a puppy. The breed is also hypoallergenic, so you will not experience any issues or side effects that you may come across with other dog breeds.

Adopt a West Highland White Terrier to experience this unique breed for yourself and add a new member to the family.

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